1.The scene he creates reveals a ray seemingly gliding along the sea bed but on close inspection appears to be chained to the ground.
2.Yet, on a close inspection of the corresponding Application patterns, we find that it does not satisfy the requirements.
3.The thoroughness of the grooming allows you make a close inspection of your horse's skin, head, mane, tail, legs, and hooves.
4.Close inspection of the above image will reveal rings of Mercury's Rembrandt impact basin circling around the image center.
5.Close inspection of the bulge in the above photograph shows many points of light that are actually globular clusters.
6.At first he suspected the letter was a forgery, but on close inspection, it turned out to be genuine.
7.Close inspection shows that they are wearing masks with tiny perforations around the eye and nose area for seeing and breathing.
8.And for storage of high resolution files, JPG compresses to tiny proportions, with quality loss only visible on close inspection.
9.Nothing is so beautiful but it betrays some defect on close inspection. The conversion of the voice.
10.On close inspection of this query, only a single character differs from the XQuery shown earlier.